5 Tips for Bringing in More Donations Online
The most well-funded nonprofits are often those that have honed their online giving strategies. In a recent article for Entrepreneur, Dana Snyder offers five helpful tips for nonprofits looking to raise more funds via the internet in 2022. According to Snyder, it boils down to investing in tech tools and platforms that allow you to […]
Crafting a Mature Financial Reserves Policy for Your Nonprofit
Does your nonprofit have a strong financial reserve strategy in place? “Reserves are a critical part of any operation that can be used in a plethora of ways,” explains a recent article from The NonProfit Times. Crafting a robust plan for storing and using reserves can go a long way in supporting your organization, especially […]
Tapping Into the Power of Your Nonprofit Board
Nonprofit board of directors has enormous sway over the vision and mission of the organization. Additionally, they are generally comprised of a slew of talented and inventive people who are strongly committed to the success of the organization, yet they are often underutilized, writes Kristen Jaarda in a recent article from Forbes. Jaarda offers five […]
Creating Memorable Year-End Communications
When the end of the calendar year approaches, most nonprofits implement a communications push in order to solicit last-minute donations before the close of the tax year. As such, it can be a challenge to craft messages for your organization that stand out among the many pleas being made at this time. A recent article […]
DBC Presents…Board Governance in Not-For-Profit!
We’re bringing you a very special four part series explaining the best practices of NFP Board Governance. This series provides a high-level summary of the Good Governance Model’s thirty-three principles, as broken down into 4 main categories: 1) Legal Compliance, 2) Effective Governance, 3) Strong Financial Oversight, and 4) Responsible Fundraising. Click here to learn […]
Board Governance – Introduction
A Not-for-Profit board is charged with the responsibility to set and oversee the strategic objectives of the Organization, in order for the Organization to accomplish its mission. Governance is the shared responsibility between the board and management of the Not-for-Profit Organization. While the responsibility is shared, the board has liability for the Not-for-Profit Organization, and […]